Violin musical instrument

Violin is a stringed musical instrument played by means swiped. Violin has four strings (GDAE) set different from each other at intervals of a perfect fifth. The low tone is G. Among the violin family, with the viola, cello and double bass or contra bass, violin had the highest tones. Other stringed instruments, bass, technically into the viol family. Sheet music for violin almost always uses or written in the key G.

A common name is used for violin Fiddle and violin fiddle often called when used to play traditional songs (see below).

In Indonesian, who plays the violin is called a violinist (pebiola), or violinist (English: violinist - distinguished by violinist or viola player). People who make or repair stringed musical instrument called a luthier.

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1 komentar:

  1. alat musik yang cukup sulit dimainkan nih...pernah nyoba bunyinya jelek deh
